WIC Online Shopping
WICShop+ provides resources, webinars, and other technical assistance to support WIC State agencies, WIC-authorized vendors, and other WIC partners to strengthen and expand online shopping.
Through WICShop+, you can:
Learn more about getting involved in WIC online shopping.
Discover WIC online shopping resources.
Explore existing WIC online shopping projects.
Explore funding opportunities to support WIC online shopping projects.
Attend webinars and events.
Request assistance and get involved in WIC online shopping.
Why WIC Online Shopping?
Online shopping has expanded rapidly in recent years due to its convenience, time-savings, and ease of use. As the retail grocery industry continues to innovate, online shopping with WIC supports an efficient and effective program.
Offering online shopping may:
Create a positive and streamlined grocery shopping experience.
Decrease challenges associated with in-lane checkout at the store.
Use technology to increase efficiency and reduce burden.
Get started with helpful resources.
The Blueprint for WIC Online Shopping Projects is a roadmap to help you prepare and implement online shopping solutions. WIC State agencies and other WIC online shopping partners can use this resource to guide their efforts.
Explore additional resources related to WIC online shopping in our Resource Library.
WIC Online Shopping Project opportunity for WIC State agencies now open.
The WIC Online Shopping Project Request for Proposals (RFP) is now open! The purpose of this RFP is to solicit applications from WIC State agencies to pursue WIC online shopping. Proposals can be submitted up until 5 p.m. CT on May 9, 2025 to be reviewed for the first notice of awards. All proposals submitted thereafter, up until 5 p.m. CT on June 27, 2025, will be reviewed for the second and final notice of awards.
Explore examples from the field.
Get involved or request help.
Our team is dedicated to supporting those who are interested or actively involved in implementing WIC online shopping projects. Reach out with general questions, to request help, or to connect with a technical assistance provider.